Sean from BD Electrical Services has recently gone self employed and needed some business card designs and also a flyer creating for him to post to people in his area. Sean already had an awesome logo, so didn’t need my logo design services. However, so it could be scaled up, I traced out the ‘lightbulb’ on the logo, and identified the font. I try to do this with all pre-existing logos, so I know that the finished result will look pin sharp.
I started on the business card – you can create very intricate, fussy designs – but with a service like an electrician, where you may need to call in an emergency – I like to keep it clean, and simple. Below was my first draft for the front and back. Sean was happy immediately – no changes required! Perfect!

Next to the Design Board was the flyer – I had a couple of ideas for this. One used a photograph of an agricultural installation that Sean had done as a background . The other used a carousel of images and a white background similar to the business cards. Sean opted for the white version (on the right below!).

I’m really pleased how this artwork turned out – even though people tend to print less these days, business cards and flyers like this are ideal for capturing business. Please request a quote if you want anything similar for your business. I’d be happy to help!